недвижимость межевание строительство

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В течении ближайшего месяца на ваши вопросы отвечает:
Администратор проекта "МЕГА-Е" - Ракитов Сергей.
тел.: 8 902 25 33 911.

В связи с кризисом, недвижимость:
Будет дешеветь
Будет дорожать
Стоимость не изменится

Version 2.08

Консалтинговое партнёрство "Легальный Бизнес" . Продажа действующего бизнеса.

Статей в базе: 2026

Комментариев: 78
Проходят регистрацию: 2

Объявлений в базе: 1731


Internet portal Premises Ekaterinburg Ural Russia

Information for users internet portal "Premises Ekaterinburg" :

Below form is brought for presenting the announcement on Portal Premises Ekaterinburg and automatic sending out of announcement in Agencies and Organizations made voluntary subscription on reception of announcements. For givenned moment, such Agencies and Organizations was registerred – 1156. Presenting the announcements for Private citizens, through givenned form, vastly accelerates information on object premises and Your wish before interested persons, automatically circulates and places the announcement on the main thematic (on sale of premises) information portals Ural region. Fill the form and send. Rest will do the program!

Choose section:

Assign question to lawyer:

The Operations with premises требуют from their own participants of perfect knowledge of legal aspects of registration of deals. Our specialists inhere in course of all lasts of rates, rules and procedures. Not surprising that when work with objects of premises constantly appear question. Look the questions . If you even so did not find any answer to point of interest, send its us, on Information portal "Premises Ekaterinburg" , we without fall answer, form for sending the questions is located adown pages.

Your question  *
Your name  *
e-mail *
Your number
The Asterisk (*) cancelling the field binding on filling.

Given Information portal "Premises Ekaterinburg" presents from itself electronic resource, containing information:

1. Правовая information on themes "Buying, Sell, Lease of objects of premises" (the Waistcoat premises, commercial premises, production and storage premiseses, land an area and тд, examples from practical persons, variants of development of events).

2. Law information on themes "Granting to compensations at transmigration when removing the земельных areas or veins both privates builder, and municipality" (the examples from practical persons, variants of development of events, советы).

3. Law information on themes "Privatization of lands areas in Ekaterinburg " " (the examples from practical persons, variants of development of events).

4. Режимы functioning (working) the divisions to administrations on reception of information for right on real estate (the schemes of location, graph of work, telephones of specialists, advices on).

5. Analysis market of premises in Ural region (the advices of specialists to owners on address with objects premises).

6. На resource possible tax information on sold objects in free form with exhibit of description and photographies of object. The Objects brought on resource on "Sale - Buying - Lease" is kept in special base open in "free access".

7. На put exists the subscription, are automatically sent in mode "it - line", all most latest arrivals of announcements of new objects received in database.

8. На put there are blog, in which possible discuss any subject, connected with premises. Possible discussing the recommendations on work on registration of rights on objects, sheduling the collective letters and wish to Administrations Ekaterinburg .

9. Сайт invites the agencies Ekaterinburg and area to bring their own objects in the base, creating United base of objects premises Ural region in "OPEN ACCESS". All (authorized persons) automatically are sent the new arrivals of objects on free base. The Agencies of premises and other authorized person have the possibility to create on put the thematic sections, to which possible lead discussing the legal aspects to activity connected with premises. Possible accomodation advertisments .

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Инвестиционное предложение от Maryann Estates: Комплекс Св. Иван Рилски- Отель, Спа & Квартиры
Инвестиционное предложение от Maryann Estates: Комплекс “НЕВИНА”
Инвестиционное предложение от Maryann Estates: Курортный комплекс St.Anna
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